Thursday, June 11, 2009

We're going streaking!

Cassidy had a bit of a diaper rash after the weekend so I've been letting her run around naked after her bath for a while instead of in her diaper. Sunday night she pooped on the floor in the kitchen! She has also peed on the floor a few nights in a row now... I guess I should stop letting her go streaking!

In other news she's getting smarter every day! (aside from peeing and pooping on the floor and throwing everything she can get her hands on into the bathtub or dog's water bowl) She tries to put on her own bib:
She also tries to put Zoe's leash on for her and drapes it over her back. Everything with 4 legs (dog, cat, horse, etc) is "Ga!" we think... or she just happened to start saying Ga! a lot while at Granny Smith's house where she is ALWAYS looking at a creature of some sort with 4 legs.

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